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National Society of Red Cross Romania - Galati Branch

The National Red Cross Society of Romania is a humanitarian organization, member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, auxiliary to public authority and empowered by law to provide humanitarian assistance in case of disasters and to support vulnerable people. According to the Law of the National Red Cross Society of Romania no. 139/1995 Art.1 and its Statute, the Romanian Red Cross is a legal person of public law, autonomous, non-governmental, apolitical and without patrimonial purpose. It carries out its humanitarian activity, as a humanitarian aid organization, auxiliary of the public authorities. Law no. 524/2004, Art. 8. – „The National Red Cross Society of Romania enjoys the protection and support of the state and has, as a public utility organization, the right to request the support of all public authorities, and they have the obligation to he agrees. ” The main attributions of the National Red Cross Society of Romania are (Law no. 139/1995, Art. 11.):
  1. to act in case of armed conflict, and in peacetime to prepare and act, as an assistant to public authorities, in all areas provided for by the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and in favor of all those suffering, both persons civilian as well as military;
  2. to contribute to the improvement of the health condition, to the prevention of illnesses and to the alleviation of sufferings through self-help programs for the benefit of the community;
  3. to organize, at national or local level, as the case may be, emergency aid services in favor of disaster victims, regardless of their causes and nature;
  4. to recruit, instruct and make available the personnel necessary for the accomplishment of its mission;
  5. to promote the participation of children and young people in specific activities;
  6. to authorize the use of the emblem, in peacetime, according to the law;
  7. to organize and participate in international actions to help victims, regardless of the causes and nature of disasters;
  8. to make known to the public, especially children and youth, its actions, as well as those of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, as well as the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross, the ideals of peace, respect and understanding between all people and all people;
  9. to conclude collaboration agreements and to draw up joint action programs with other companies or associations that carry out humanitarian activities, with ministries and other specialized institutions of the central and local public administration, in order to accomplish its humanitarian mission;
  10. to participate, based on the programs initiated by the Ministry of Health, in the recruitment of blood donors, in the fight against epidemics and in other actions.

Cross-border Cooperation and European Integration Agency

AO ACTIE is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 2004 in the city of Cahul, Republic of Moldova.

The main purpose of the Agency for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration is to contribute to regional development by supporting cross-border cooperation between organizations and institutions in the Republic of Moldova and external partners.

At the same time, ACTIE aims to contribute to economic development in the cross-border region within the “Lower Danube” Euroregion. This is achieved through the specific objectives of the organization:

  • building strong cross-border partnerships to solve common problems;
  • human resources development through training and information;
  • increasing access to the labor market, including for socially vulnerable groups;
  • modernization of local infrastructure;
  • tourism development in the southern region of Moldova;
  • actions that contribute to a better protection of the environment.

Cahul Department of Exceptional Situations

The mission of DSE mun. Cahul consists in realizing the constitutional prerogatives of the Inspectorate regarding the implementation of the state policy in the field of civil protection, fire protection, qualified first aid, prevention and liquidation of the consequences of emergencies, in order to ensure population security, property and environment by implementing unitary and integrated measures aimed at reducing the risks of emergencies and exceptional situations.

Objectives and functions DSE mun. Cahul are:

  1. direct management of the civil protection system in the territory served;
  2. implementation of unitary and integrated management of the field of interventions in emergency and exceptional situations, execution of rescue works and other non-deferred works in the conditions of exceptional situations and liquidation of their effects;

This website was created with the support of the European Union. The content of this website is the responsibility of the Agency for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union. The sole responsibility for the correctness and consistency of the information presented lies with the initiators of the website.